Work smarter, not harder is SUCH a cliche – but, it’s also the key to success as a grant seeker.

Packed with simple, practical tips and hints from almost 20 years in the grants and fundraising space — this 16-page guide is designed to make sure any time you spend searching and applying for grants, is time well spent.

The ten things you need to know about grants include:

  1. There’s $100B+ of grant funding out there
  2. Grants are a low cost fundraising solution
  3. Grants are not a survival tool
  4. Grants are just one of many funding pillars
  5. Grants aren’t for everyone
  6. Every grant application will be different
  7. The three things that will shape your grants journey
  8. There are many places to find grants
  9. Need doesn’t determine who gets grant funding
  10. There’s no end of the line when it comes to grants

These ten tips will help you avoid the mistakes that most applicants make — and improve your chances of winning the funds you need, to make the difference you’re dreaming about.

Junee Community Network’s take on the book is:

It’s an extremely well written and laid out book… not verbose, but it gets it messages across in a clear easy to read format. Each topic includes some well highlighted tips which alone are worth grabbing the book… especially at the incredible price of FREE 🙂

download 10 things you need to know about grants, this financial year »