Essential Energy
The results for Essential Energy’s 2021 Essential Communities program have been announced.

Junee Shire had five community organisations nominated, with a total of 14 groups eligible for voting in Zone 8. Three groups from Junee ended up with funding!

Essential Communities 2021 Results for Zone 8

Junee – Regional Heritage Transport Assoc Junee Incorporated (commonly referred to as the Roundhouse Museum) and Junee Business & Trades Incorporation were the other two groups nominated from Junee Shire, but unfortunately neither received funding this round.

The other organisations nominated in Zone 8 included Advance Ardlethan, Cowra and Grenfell Meals on Wheels, Grenfell Historical Society, Morundah Bush Entertainment, Narraburra Social and Community Centre, Temora Lions Club, and West Wylong Junior Rugby Union.

None of the nominated groups from Zone 8 ended up receiving the bonus “Small Communities funding”

The full list of the 2021 Community Choices Champions can be viewed at the Essential Energy website.

Thank you to every one who voted in the 2021 Community Choices.
And a double thank you to those who remembered to vote every single day!
And Congratulations to all the organisations that received funding!