Steph Cooke MP, the Member for Cootamundra, presented the funding to the sports clubs on Tuesday — with $5,297 going to the Junee Golf Club for a new mid-course shelter (which will also be capable of having solar panels added to the roof); Junee Junior Netball will be resurfacing the court at St Joseph’s Hall thanks to a $6,000 grant; and Junee Rugby will be subsiding registrations for ladies league tag and uniforms.
Robert Vergano, from the Junee Junior Netball Association, said “the grant would help them encourage more players to the sport.”
Terrence Trinca, from the Junee Golf Club, said “the shed will be used for everything from a storm shelter for golfers to a spot where emergency vehicles can attend.”
Katrina Halliburton, from the Junee Rugby League Football Club, said “the grant would help bring more women in to league tag, and benefit the whole club.”