Ideas for Potential Shared Community Resources
When discussing potential projects that local community groups and sporting clubs may wish to seek grant funding for, a number of items are frequently mentioned. Often these items are only…
When discussing potential projects that local community groups and sporting clubs may wish to seek grant funding for, a number of items are frequently mentioned. Often these items are only…
QR codes are a two-dimensional version of the traditional barcode, typically made up of black and white pixel patterns. Denso Wave, a Japanese subsidiary of the Toyota supplier Denso, developed…
Would you like to be able to upgrade your outdoor facilities at your school, sports club, park or organisation but don’t have all the resourcing you need? Felton Industries have…
The results for Essential Energy’s 2022 Essential Communities program have been announced. Junee Shire had five community organisations nominated, across two zones (Zone 4 & 8). Three groups from Junee…